Just starting!

Just starting!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tool #5

For your Tool #5 assignment:

1. Browse through both sites and use tags to find two websites new to you. You may choose to find educationally -related items or personal interests.

2. Join one of the sites so that you may add and share information of your choice. Consider joining or even creating a group that fits your needs.
Joined Delcious.com

3. In YOUR blog post for Tool #5, include the two webistes you discovered. Be sure to include hot links so that participants can visit them easily. Discuss what tags you used to locate your information. Briefly describe how social bookmarking will be useful in your classroom.

I used tags like "second grade" (although I got many that had either or so that they were not useful). I also used "elementary", "reading", and "phonics."
I found these:
http://www.shopsalegames.com/buy-cheap-my-virtual-tutor-reading-1st-grade-to-2nd-grade-discount-review/    for a software product that sounds useful.

I was disgusted to see that the word "grade" ALSO brought up a German porn site! That was certainly a learning experience! I always watch what my students are doing on the computer, but even the title was vulgar. I'm will be sure to allow only certain searches to be done by my students, should the need arise.

This site could facilitate the sharing of grade appropriate websites between team members for subject matter material. Already I've seen 2nd graders using bookmarks to find their favorite sites, like Disney.com, Funbrain.com and others. NOW we can direct them to finding and directing themselves and others to new sites WITHOUT my having to locate and bookmark them myself.

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