Just starting!

Just starting!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tool #11 Reflections

For your final 11 Tools post, answer these questions:

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.
* I was pleasantly surprised to see that some tools were alot easier than I thought they would be! For our science curriculum on habitats, I already see putting together a video or maybe multiple videos on different habitats.

2. How have you transfomed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom?
*Yes, my thinking has expanded and my imagination can now see doing projects I used to think were too complicated.

3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
The greatest surprise was that some of these tools are quite user-friendly. When I was younger, everything having to do with computers involved tons of codes, functions and hours of tedious work. And now so many wonderful projects can be developed with relative ease! I can't wait to try a few different tools in each subject area.

Tool #11

For your Tool #11 assignment:

In YOUR blog post, discuss at least three things you would want to make sure your students understand about being good digital citizens. Explain briefly how you would "teach" the idea of digital citizenship to your students.
1. There are several points I want to emphasize to my students about being online and being good digital citizens. One should be an easy one to get across, as it's already one that we practice with TRIBES; no put downs. The online community is often anonymous and I've seen some of the rudest, most disgusting, racist, sexist and hateful things on comment sites precisely because people feel the freedom of anonimity. People SHOULD remember basic civility when commenting or posting to any site. I model this daily and will make opportunities to model it online as well.
2. Sometimes anonimity is good! It is very important to me that my students NOT set themselves to be cyber victims. I think numerous lessons will be spent in discussing just what is safe to be posted online.
3. Lastly, I definitely will not tolerate bullying of any kind, in any sphere. There have been too many known tragic cases of cyberbullying. Who knows how many go unreported? To the best of my ability, I will include lessons against cyberbullying.

The internet is a powerful place full of promise and dangers. Part of my responsibility is to help my students learn to navigate that world safely and civilly.

Tool #7 Fun with Video

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tool #10

For your tool #10 assignment on YOUR blog:

1. Discuss some of the free educational apps you reviewed.
 I saw some good ones for math, like flash cards and drills, and a few games. I liked the availability of the Library of Congress and NASA. I was shocked to see that "Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Sex Toys" was on this list. Educational? Maybe. But DEFINITELY NOT for children!
2. OPTIONAL: If you had an opportunity to play with one of the devices, briefly describe your experience. Was there a WOW moment? I don't own one, but my brother has both an iPod and an iPhone. He's shown me a few apps that he uses. Most are emails, music or current events. I was not aware of the multitude of apps available for nearly every interest! Tutors in all languages, Google Earth, a GPS system! WOW! I am looking forward to experimenting with an iTouch. My nephew just got one; I might have to call HIM for advice!  :)

3.. Discuss ways your students could use the iTouch or iPad and appropriate apps in your class.

Tool #9 Skyping Down the Yellow Brick Road

For your Tool #9 Assignment:

1. Discuss how the screencast could help your students and how you might have students use Jing.
     Students could use Jing to access and save entire pages of information without having to copy or print them. I can see several activities with social studies and geography, and learning mapping skills.

2. Discuss how you might use Skype with your students and share across the district, the state, the nation, or the world! I have friends in Israel and we use Skype. But because of the time difference, finding a class willing to have a "Skype pen-pal" relationship is not feasible. BUT across the country would be fun! It would just like that commercial with the kids having a staring contest in the US and Japan... but I doubt the time difference would make it a reality.

Tool #7

I actually enjoyed doing this video story! At first I was VERY intimidated. I don't even OWN a digital camera! Still, I made a fun video story about some cool cats online that make me smile. The music is Arabic but sung in French. It says, "Viens, viens, habibi"  Come, come my beloved.  Seemed apropriate for my lovely cats. While putting it together was easier than I thought it would be, the uploading and processing took FOREVER to embed into my blog. I'm still waiting for it to attach or embed. I want to use it for certain lessons to show short videos at certain times of the explanation. And I think everyone will enjoy the break.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tool #8 Embedding the Fun

So these videos aren't exactly educational, but my students (and I) just love them! Great springboards for numerous discussions about pets, caring for a pet, the funny things they do, and what we need to do to be responsible animal stewards, not just for pets but for all of the  animals on our planet.

Mean Kitty Song

Tool #6 Wiki-mania

IN YOUR BLOG post, discuss how students might use wikis to aid in their learning. Did any of the sample wikis you viewed give you any particular ideas for using a wiki in your classroom for students. How about for and your team or department?
Wikis would be an great place to develop word lists by subject!  A science wiki with pictures would be fantastic!Although to be honest, I don't understand the difference between Wikis and Google.doc. As for school work, I would LOVE to have a central place for ideas, other than just files that I then forget to check or update.Already the portal has outdated information: a new wiki could cull the old info and only have the newer stuff that is now relevent.

Tool #5

For your Tool #5 assignment:

1. Browse through both sites and use tags to find two websites new to you. You may choose to find educationally -related items or personal interests.

2. Join one of the sites so that you may add and share information of your choice. Consider joining or even creating a group that fits your needs.
Joined Delcious.com

3. In YOUR blog post for Tool #5, include the two webistes you discovered. Be sure to include hot links so that participants can visit them easily. Discuss what tags you used to locate your information. Briefly describe how social bookmarking will be useful in your classroom.

I used tags like "second grade" (although I got many that had either or so that they were not useful). I also used "elementary", "reading", and "phonics."
I found these:
http://www.shopsalegames.com/buy-cheap-my-virtual-tutor-reading-1st-grade-to-2nd-grade-discount-review/    for a software product that sounds useful.

I was disgusted to see that the word "grade" ALSO brought up a German porn site! That was certainly a learning experience! I always watch what my students are doing on the computer, but even the title was vulgar. I'm will be sure to allow only certain searches to be done by my students, should the need arise.

This site could facilitate the sharing of grade appropriate websites between team members for subject matter material. Already I've seen 2nd graders using bookmarks to find their favorite sites, like Disney.com, Funbrain.com and others. NOW we can direct them to finding and directing themselves and others to new sites WITHOUT my having to locate and bookmark them myself.

Tool #4 Docs and News

Google Docs is an easy way for students, teachers and friends to share documents and media while having the opportunity to view and edit the document at the same time. So many writing projects can be explored in an easy and timely fashion with this resource. I will need to get my students started on this but I can see it taking off on it's own after awhile. Too bad we didn't have this when we started out sharing our lesson plans!

With Google reader I also love the fact that it is an easy way to get the latest news.  I imagine using Google Reader in Social Studies and History in order to keep up with world news and events and allow students to make connections with specific concepts in Social Studies that is of focus for that particular week.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tool #3

The explanation on HOW to actually PUT this picture here is not very helpful. I am NOT familiar with importing photos, as I don't do any of this at all, in or out of the classroom. Maybe there should be a extra site like a glossary for doing things that people take for granted. I finally managed to set it up as a Gadget. I really need to practice this so that it doesn't take so much time next time. I especially like adding titles to each segment.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tool #2

1. What are your thoughts about building an online education community and participating in a PLN?

2. What point stood out to you from the commenting advice?

3. What five blogs did you select for your comments? (you may need to come back and add this information later by editing this post.)

#1~ I like the idea of having an online education community as long as it includes workshops and meetings where we can meet local teachers face to face. Although I enjoy writing, I don't enjoy it all of the time. Having a community also means personal contact to me. The more people I meet and whose ideas I can learn, the better teacher I can become.
#2~ The commenting advice is something that everyone should read. I read comments online on news sites. It is appalling the lack of civility, education and even the lack of proper grammar that I see, even on sites like the NY Times. I take pains to flag totally inappropriate comments. I wish I could tell the jerk WHY the comment was inappropriate. Too bad moderators don't send emails so that commentators could become more educated on civil discourse.

#3~ I picked blogs that had interesting titles. I read:
       Johnny's Braindrops
      Sports Nut
       Steph's Cafe
       The Little Blogger that Could
        Doing this Because.. It's Fun!

Now I have a good idea who I can turn to for help!